
It is not necessary to follow any specific diet, the main aim should be to eat healthy and clean most of the time, with a treat here and there. Sometimes restricting yourself too much only leads to falling back on bad habits again. Everything in moderation, with balance, is the key to a healthy and complete life. We live in a world where it is almost impossible to avoid treats (foods that we know are not the best for us but we enjoy anyway) at all times but we can try to stay on a healthy path majority of the time until it becomes second nature to eat healthy. It takes time to create a healthy lifestyle.
Organic Foods
Eating organic/natural foods is a significant thing to consider when buying your foods. When it comes to fruit and veg, the nutritional density in the soils of our farms has significantly decreased as farms have become more commercial and demand has increased. All the genetically modified (GMO) and Pesticides injected into commercial foods nowadays are the biggest disease causes.
I appreciate it can be pricey to buy everything organic so I tend to keep it balanced, and follow the “dirty dozen list”. This will show you what foods are completely off limits if not organic, and what foods are ok to eat, if non-organic. It’s harder for pesticides and other types of poison to penetrate certain foods than others. Great to bring on your next food shopping trip to avoid the contaminated foods.

Eating with intention for better health, skin and well-being.
Try avoiding these foods for a prolonged period of time e.g 2 weeks to see how your body responds:
- Refined sugars (try avoiding fizzy drinks and processed sweets at all costs, natural fruit sugars such as dates, agave and honey are great alternatives!)
- Dairy (this one can be hard to avoid but I suggest trying to avoid as much as possible, exchange to oat milk, almond or coconut, not soya)
- Gluten free option (this is very important, you will see health improvements/ a good choice for those with digestive related issues)
- Meat (be very wary of red meat especially, if you must consume, ensure its organic)
- Fish (if you must consume, ensure it is fresh and ethically sourced but of course avoiding completely is the best option in the climate we are in)
Don’t forget your:
Greens, Greens, Greens …you can never have enough! Vegetables, greens and all things plant based are fantastic for your body. Your body appreciates it and you see a big difference in your well being when you consume more vegetables/greens/alkaline foods.
Juicing is also a great way to get all your greens in you. A slow masticating juicer is the only way to juice! Unless you are making smoothies/shakes where you could use any blender. Slow-masticating juicers ensure all nutrients in the vegetables/fruits you are juicing stay, other faster blenders/juicers kill the nutrients. So if juicing is something you want to get into, we recommend a slow masticating one.
My morning routine changes season to season. Currently, my autumn routine consists of my homemade elderberry syrup tea infused with fresh ginger, cinnamon and cardamom to which I add 2 big tbs of seamoss. I also then add 2 more tbs of sea moss to my water bottle and add at least 20 drops of my home made chlorophyll liquid blend.
I do this every single day. This is a great immune booster, and gives me a little kick. This is something you can try, or if you get a juicer, you can start your morning with a fresh juice too, which is what I do summertime usually.
I also tend to make sea moss smoothies for my family including our almost 2 year old who absolutely loves sea moss. She will literally take it directly off the spoon. I also spoil myself with an oat milk hot chocolate during lunch time for extra energy boost with a teaspoon of my adaptogenic blend. Currently I am taking the Brain Alchemy. Brain alchemy helps with my alertness, focus and memory. It truly is a game changer for a busy schedule that not only requires physical energy but a lot of mental energy. Instead of coffee, my adaptogen blend will give me the boost I need most days. On some days I will even mix the teaspoon of Adaptogen with Coffee for extra power. Although generally I try to avoid coffee.
I like to switch up my adaptogenic herbs seasonally depending on wether my immune system is feeling low or if Im stressed.
As for actual food to eat, there are plenty of recipes online on how to make yummy healthy foods. There are many healthy chefs on Instagram constantly giving food advice and recipes. A good place to start would be to find a local farmers market, most boroughs will have this on weekends.
We like to use a variety of plant based cookbooks inspired from the Carribean cuisine. So much flavour and heat. Eating plantbased never has to be dull.
We tend to post a lot of plantbased food and smoothie recipes on the blog too so keep an eye out.
If you feel lost and still don’t know where to start, feel free to message us. We are always here to support your health journey.
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Lots of love, light & healing
Tan x
MHK team