Five Foods for Hormone Balance in Women
Whether you’ve been overwhelmed with chronic fatigue and brain fog, or spent days doubled over with painful periods, it’s likely you’ll have struggled with a hormonal imbalance at some point in your life.
Yet, despite what women are often told, hormonal imbalances - and the chaotic symptoms that can sit alongside them - aren’t normal. We aren’t meant to suffer or struggle.
Signs of Hormonal Imbalances
Signs and symptoms of imbalances can look different for each one of us. However, some common signs that your hormones may need some TLC can include:
Mood swings
Tender breasts
Skin complaints, such as acne
Digestive issues or regular bloating
Weight gain that won’t shift
Chronic fatigue
Brain fog
Low libido
Night sweats
Headaches and migraines
Hair loss or thinning hair
Irregular or missed periods
If you’re struggling with your periods, or notice new symptoms, it’s always worth speaking to a qualified professional first.
What are Hormones?
From sleep and hunger to reproduction, libido and even our mood, our hormones are responsible for all kinds of things. See them as your body’s chemical messengers, governing many functions in the body.
Yet, given that they have so much responsibility, this means that when our hormones go haywire, we can really struggle - as you’ve already seen, you may experience all kinds of symptoms, and you may not even feel “at home” in your own body.
Thankfully, while restoring balance isn’t always simple and straightforward, there are lots of shifts you can make to support you in your journey to hormonal harmony.
Nutrition for Hormonal Balance
Diet is one of our favourite tools when it comes to restoring the delicate balance of our hormones. There are some foods that help to regulate our hormones, while others help to build them.
It’s crucial that we enjoy a balanced diet and don’t cut out food groups - our bodies need complex carbohydrates, protein and healthy fats to support happy hormones, while an excess of other foods (such as processed ingredients, refined sugars and carbs and too much caffeine or alcohol) can impact our hormones.
However, if you’re looking to give your hormones some TLC, here are our five favourite foods for hormonal health:
Many of us live life at break-neck speed, always rushing, always frantic, always in constant hustle. Yet, chronic stress can do untold damage to our delicate hormones. When we have high stress levels, we’re more likely to experience oestrogen dominance (which can cause many symptoms of PMS), and it can also impact our insulin levels, leading to issues with weight and more.
While it’s important to reduce our stress levels (through whichever way you enjoy!), adaptogenic herbs can naturally help the body to adapt to and cope with stressful situations. Our My Healing Kit adaptogenic blends are an easy way of supporting the body and easing the stress response, helping your hormones to come back into balance naturally.
Dark Chocolate
Many of us will crave dark chocolate when we’re on our periods - and for good reason! Dark chocolate is one of the richest sources of magnesium, a powerful nutrient when it comes to our health. Magnesium (also found in leafy greens and seeds) can support our bodies in times of stress, balance blood sugar levels, improve our sleep and even support our mood. Magnesium can also ease symptoms of PMS and help period pains. So, next time you find yourself craving chocolate, go for it and indulge…! You might like to try our Love Potion Raw Brownies to boost your magnesium levels naturally : Love Brownies Recipe
Cruciferous veggies
When it comes to hormone health, it’s crucial that we look after our livers. Beautiful cruciferous vegetables, such as broccoli, kale, cabbage and sprouts help our livers to regulate and remove excess oestrogen from the body. This means that we are less likely to experience symptoms of excess oestrogen, which is one of the main causes of PMS. Broccoli is also rich in calcium, which may reduce cramping and bloating and other symptoms of PMS, giving you another good reason to eat your greens!
Healthy fats, such as avocados, are anti-inflammatory and one of the building blocks for sex hormones. Adding a form of healthy fats to meals will help to keep you feeling fuller for longer, as well as regulating the body’s blood sugar levels, helping to prevent sweeping spikes and crashes.
Ground Flax
Next time you’re whizzing up your morning smoothie, or preparing your overnight oats, why not add a sprinkling of ground flax? Ground flax is a phyto-oestrogen, helping the body to regulate levels of oestrogen whether there is too much or too little in the body. Ground flax is also rich in fibre, which is crucial for helping to keep blood sugar levels stable and balanced.
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