Article: Hormone Balance & Female Health

Hormone Balance & Female Health
From causing crippling anxiety to fuzzy-headed brain fog, the impact our delicate female hormones can have on our mental health can be catastrophic.
Our hormones are responsible for a lot in the body - they support our metabolism, govern fertility and reproduction, and even tell us when to sleep or when we are feeling full or hungry.
Yet, this means that when our hormones are out of balance, we can suffer in all kinds of ways - including a cascade of mood issues.
In particular, our reproductive hormones are thrown out of synch by chronically high stress hormones. This means that, the more stressed we are - and the more we are juggling - the more likely we are to experience hormonal issues and suffer with our cycles.
High stress can make women more prone to PMS, painful periods, heavy bleeding, fatigue and migraines - particularly during our peri menopausal years.
Yet, it also makes women more likely to experience mood imbalances, which can be a common symptom of hormonal imbalances. When we are feeling run down, burned out, stressed and frazzled, we are also more likely to suffer with anxiety, depression, brain fog, irritability and more.
Whatever you’ve been told, none of these symptoms are “normal” - hormonal imbalances and period problems are not simply part of being a woman.
In fact, they are often a sign that our bodies are in stress mode - that we need to slow down, nourish ourselves or give our bodies some love.
We don’t have to suffer, we simply need to support our health and mood in other ways.
It’s also important to recognise that, if you are struggling with your health or your hormones, none of this is your fault.
We live in a world which values productivity - and always hustling, always working, always being busy - above all else.
This chronic busyness may work for male hormones - which are governed by our 24-hour Circadian Rhythms - but it doesn’t take into account the more delicate female hormones, which ebb and flow throughout the month.
Our female cycles follow an Infradian Rhythm - they shift and change throughout our monthly cycle. This means that there are certain phases of the month (such as Ovulation) where our hormones peak, leaving us feeling energised, confident and vibrant.
Yet, on the flip side, there are times when our hormones taper off (such as during our bleed and towards our period) - and we feel more easily fatigued, drained and introverted. It’s during this phase that mood changes can become more common as our bodies start to crave stillness and time alone.
In an ideal world, we’d be able to honour these natural rhythms - we’d be able to slow down when our hormones need us to, and we’d be able to push ourselves that bit harder when our hormones peak. This would not only support our health, but it would also boost our mental health too.
Yet, we live in a world which makes this increasingly difficult - and makes hormonal imbalances and mood fluctuations ever more likely.
While there are many things we can do to support our hormones, and to bring things back into balance (5 foods for Hormone Balance) , it can be tricky during times of chronic stress, mood imbalances and overwhelm.
Sometimes, we may need a helping hand from Mother Nature in the form of ayruvedic herbs, adaptogens and plants.
If you are struggling with brain fog, anxiety, depression, or if you’re feeling irritable, here are a few of our favourite plant-based remedies for supporting women’s health and mood.
Maca is a well-known adaptogenic plant native to the Peruvian Andes mountains.
Adaptogens help our bodies to adapt to stressful situations, helping to blunt and soften the impact of long-term stress. Over time, this means that they can help to bring our hormones back into balance, and improve overall health and wellness.
Maca is known to improve energy levels, boost libido (low libido is often a common side effect of stress or mood imbalances) and support fertility.
It is also a powerful herb when it comes to regulating the menstrual cycle and restoring balance to female hormones, particularly during peri menopause when oestrogen levels can rollercoaster (leading to night sweats, hot flashes and more).
This means it can also support women who struggle with pre-menstrual anxiety, depression or mood changes. In fact, a few small studies have shown that Maca may reduce anxiety and depression in post-menopausal women.
Shatavari is another powerful plant when it comes to women’s health and has been used in Ayurvedic traditions for centuries. In fact, it is known as the ‘Queen of Herbs’ and is often used to help regulate oestrogen levels (when oestrogen levels are out of balance, we are more likely to experience PMS, painful periods and mood issues).
The Shatavari root is also an adaptogen, helping women to cope during times of high stress. It is known to support the reproductive system, and may even be used as an aphrodisiac.
Another popular adaptogenic herb with Ayurvedic roots, Ashwaghanda is powerful when it comes to improving focus and easing stress and mood imbalances. Studies have shown it may be especially powerful when it comes to treating and easing anxiety.
Ashwaghanda is also commonly used in treating female hormonal imbalances and may boost libido, increase arousal and even improve our ability to reach orgasm - a well-known mood booster! Finally, ashwaghanda has also been found to support blood sugar balance - a powerful tool given that blood sugar spikes and crashes can cause mood shifts and changes, as well as stubborn weight gain.
Renowned for its beautiful flowers, hibiscus is a tropical plant which has long been used to support women’s health.
Among its many benefits - including high levels of vitamin C and powerful antioxidants known as anthocyanins - hibiscus is thought to calm and ease period pain. It’s also used to support women who struggle with PMS, irritation and anger - in traditional medicines, such as Ayurveda, hibiscus is believed to be cooling on both body and mind. This means it may also be used to treat night sweats in peri menopause.
Also known as Indian Gooseberry, Amla Berry is another nourishing herb for women’s health and hormones. It is especially rich in vitamin C and can support the liver with healthy detoxification (a healthy liver is crucial for hormone health), which also makes it a powerful herb for glowing, radiant skin.
For centuries, Amla has also been used in Ayurvedic treatments to regulate oestrogen levels (again, imbalances in oestrogen make us more prone to mood imbalances, PMS, painful periods, heavy periods and more)
Similarly to Hibiscus, it is also used to cool the body, making it helpful for hot flashes and night sweats.
Known as the Tree of Life in Africa, Baobab is a nutrient-dense superfood and is known to be rich in vitamin C, potassium and even calcium. It is also incredibly rich in Magnesium - a crucial mineral when it comes to women’s health and hormones. Magnesium can not only ease PMS and heavy, painful periods, but it can also support mood, improve sleep and even support blood sugar balance. Thanks to baobab’s high vitamin C content, it is also good for the immune system, skin health and even iron absorption.
All of these herbs have been formulated together to create the perfect blend for balancing women's hormones - Mood Tonic